ThenDesign Architecture – Imagining Better Ways to Educate

ThenDesign Architecture: Imagining Better Ways to Educate
ThenDesign is an architecture firm located in downtown Willoughby. For over 30 years, we have been pioneering educational facilities in Northeast Ohio. Focusing on the evolving design of educational buildings and imagining better ways to educate, we specialize in architecture, planning and interior design. Get to know our team!

ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) is an architectural, planning and interior design firm that has been involved in cutting edge educational and municipal facility design, established 68 years ago. A firm with over 50 employees, it is comprised of licensed architects, architectural designers, construction managers, interior designers and communications specialists. Focused on the evolving design of educational buildings and imagining better ways to educate, TDA employees specialize in community master planning, architectural design, construction management, project financing, bond campaign assistance, as well as marketing, public relations and video production. Since the company’s inception, TDA has worked with over 120 school districts, along with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) in Northeast Ohio and established themselves as leaders in school design–pioneering this field by rethinking how educational spaces could be imagined.

The firm, headed by two partners, Bob Fiala and Chris Smith, have assembled a group of international creative professionals in the Cleveland area that come from 7 different countries, which employ skillsets that span the AEC industry. Their design philosophy is simple. “Think, Design, Act.” They are driven by an insatiable desire to learn and ask a series of “What if?” questions. They seek to deeply understand the needs of a project and doing so create a “tailor made solution.” This is woven into the fabric of the community, fostering a sense of “place” in its environmental context.

Some History

TDA was originally founded as Huston Associates in 1951 by the late architect, Bruce Huston. Based in Willoughby, Huston Associates was a recognized leader in educational facility design. In 1989, Huston retired and Robert (Bob) Fiala, a former employee of Huston Associates, became the managing partner and renamed the firm ThenDesign Architecture. In 1998, Chris Smith joined the firm. He was named partner in 2004 as part of a well-crafted succession plan.

Mr. Fiala, the firm’s founding partner, now is also the recently elected Mayor of the City of Willoughby. He feels a deep responsibility to build an economically strong and vibrant city and give back by to the community through his tireless service, civic leadership and the promotion of education and the arts. Even though he no longer works directly, in the day to day operations of TDA, he continues to provide strategic leadership and enhance the firm’s culture. He brings a deep belief that by designing the best education and municipal buildings possible, we can impact the lives of people in our community for years to come.

Good Design Matters

We believe that good design begins with intentional thinking and this mindset transcends architecture to touch everything we do. We can find good design anywhere, whether it is “rocking out” to an inspiring guitar ballad, enjoying challenging park trail or holding our favorite coffee mug. Good design enriches lives. We recognize our responsibility to enhance the environment through our architectural efforts. From schools and hotels to sports parks and retirement centers, we have fun in the collaborative, creative process. We love challenging educators, stakeholders and the public to be a part of our projects, by collaborating and imagining better ways to educate. By using this approach, we strengthen the fabric of each community, ensuring a useful structure for many decades to come.

A common question we get from clients and the public is: “Who designs your building?” While, many architectural firms have one “primary designer,” this often results in every building looking the same, despite the fact it’s grounded in a completely different place. TDA is different in design approach. Each building we produce is a collaborative effort among our designers, consultants, and many in the community.

We recognize our responsibility to enhance the environment through our architectural efforts. From schools and hotels to sports parks and retirement centers, we have fun in the collaborative, creative process.
ThenDesign Architecture

"Educational Visioning Sessions"

Early phases of design include “Educational Visioning Sessions.” These unique events bring together teachers, students, administrators, board members, local safety forces and local clergy to discuss the project, imagine possibilities and ultimately serve as the genesis of the design. Ideas and concerns generated by these participants are captured as they are shared in round-table discussions and other activities. Grassroots ideas from those who will actually be using the new structure are distilled and ultimately presented to decision-makers (whether that is a school superintendent, mayor or other administrative representative). We encourage all parties involved to begin imagining better ways to educate. This is why TDA is different. This is why districts return to us again and again to provide architectural services–because we listen to our client’s needs. We empower them to drive the initial designs which results in a product that best meets their needs and produces a completely unique building.

This diversity of input is a hallmark of our design strategy and one element that strengthens our portfolio.

Imagining Better Ways to Educate

Design doesn’t stop at the built world, it continues throughout the education process. During the planning and construction phases of design, TDA engages educators who ultimately will use the new building in training sessions in anticipation of the project’s completion. At these events, a team of project designers, along with future occupants, attend a series of meetings dedicated to coaching and professional development. These sessions include, brainstorming activities and interactive projects, all geared towards training educators and administrators on the best ways to engage students in these new spaces. They are invaluable for collaboratively rethinking the way educational spaces can be used to promote student learning. This crucial component is a link between the early “Educational Visioning Sessions” and a fully occupied building. Then, through exit interviews and teacher surveys, we measure how these architectural designs impact the education experience. We have found significant benefits such as reduced behavioral issues in the classroom, increased teaching time, and additional opportunities for student engagement. All of these ensure that each student receives the best education possible.

In short, we intentionally emphasize the people and their experience as much as the building itself.

Virtual Staff Meeting

TDA, as a group of creative professionals, work to design and build the "next generation" educational and municipal facilities that are environmentally friendly, contextually rooted and inspiring to inhabit.
Chris Smith

At the core of our practice, we believe people are the most important aspect of every project. Whether it is satisfying our clients, or celebrating and empowering our diverse staff, a “people first design” permeates our culture and designs.

Our staff constantly pushes boundaries in design, acquiring new techniques, implementing technology and building support for your long-term plans.

We are not only designers, but educators and want to help every client understand the process and how it affects them for years to come.

Driving Architecture, Education and Community

TDA, as a group of creative professionals, work to design and build the “next generation” educational and municipal facilities that are environmentally friendly, contextually rooted and inspiring to inhabit.

We continue to address the challenges facing school districts, educators, and communities of the future and are committed to imagining better ways to educate.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

Ryan Caswell

Ryan Caswell

Ryan is a communications specialist who is passionate about using digital media to further the goals of organizations and communities in Northeast Ohio. With a background in construction and a degree in architecture, he spent over a decade in corporate video production and brings this mindset to videography, editing, photography and content marketing. He is passionate about supporting the arts, and can be found hiking in the parks system.

Meet the Designers: James Cowan

Meet the Designers: James Cowan
James Cowan works as an architectural associate for ThenDesign Architecture (TDA). James is passionate about architectural design and it's impact on educational design. Harnessing a "diversity in opinion" is a design principle driving his projects, as he incorporates feedback from many stakeholders into building design.

My name is James Cowan and I work at ThenDesign Architecture as a project designer. What excites me about the projects at TDA is the community involvement and impact that the project has at the end. And I mean, throughout the course of the project, we always try to involve community, and understanding the vision that the community has for the school building. So that’s a really exciting part to me. It’s good to be involved in those visioning sessions and I think TDA does a great job with that. I think it’s just important to bring different experiences to the table. Someone else might not think about the space like you think about the space. So whether they’re, you know, they’re older or younger or security might be something that’s very important to them while connecting with nature may be very important to someone else.

You want to make sure you’re understanding the space and what should happen there from all ranges. We bring those different, different minds to the table, you’re able to develop something as more inclusive. So one of my favorite aspects of the design process is making sure that the exterior responds to its surrounding. Just making sure that it’s not an acontextual building that you can’t just take this building and put it anywhere, is important.

What’s funny is I didn’t know, would be as passionate about educational design until I got to TDA, where they were involved in a mentorship program called ACE. And I started to learn a little more about TDA from the people who were already working here and I thought it was an interesting place. So once I got to TDA, I started to understand the impact that’s happening with the community. So I’m like, that’s something I want to be a part of.

It’s very exciting to see a school opening kids running into the school, or, you know, the groundbreaking and how they excitement for something new, impact someone’s life and that, that keeps me at TDA.

As far as understanding the impact that architecture makes on people’s lives, I’m still understanding that myself. I think that the projects I’ve worked on, seeing how occupants actually use the space will provide some insight to actually student centered learning and not what we think. So I think just, just as buildings remain open, we will see the evolution of the spaces that’s exciting as well. I think that the impact is going to be a positive one. The evolution of the space as technology changes will be the telltale story.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

James Cowan

James Cowan

James Cowan works as an architectural associate for ThenDesign Architecture (TDA). James is passionate about architectural design and it's impact on educational design. Having been introduced to architecture at an early age through magazine publications, he takes part in the ACE mentorship program, exposing high school students to the Architecture, Construction and Engineering fields. Harnessing a "diversity in opinion" is a design principle driving his projects, as he incorporates feedback from many stakeholders into the buildings.

Meet the Designers: Ken Monsman, RA, NCARB, CCM, LEED AP, BD+C

Meet the Designers: Ken Monsman, RA, NCARB, CCM, LEED AP BD+C
Ken Monsman is a registered architect working as a construction administrator for ThenDesign Architecture TDA. Ken works with contractors, architects and designers to ensure the client's vision for the building is met.

My name is Ken Monsman, I’m a registered architect, I’m a certified construction manager, and I also am a member of the NCARB. Architecture has a profound impact on people, I mean, whether you are just a regular person and not pay attention to it, but regardless it’s having an impact on you. It’s exciting to be part of that and to have such a big influence on people, even without them knowing it. I mean, it’s very fulfilling more recently, being at TDA has been a really good experience for me. Great people, good management, great projects. I’m primarily on in construction administration. Construction administration we’re really not doing the drafting and design, at that point, the building’s designed and we’re working with the contractor or the CM [construction manager] to get the thing built. Typically at the beginning of the job, we’re reviewing bids, you know, helping those CM make, make some of those decisions.

And then, once construction starts, we’re there to periodically site visit, questions that come up, RFI’s, shop drawings, review is a huge part and questions that come from the contractor or CM are all funneled through us. And then we’ll send them to the consultants or our in house staff, for answers, or some of the answers we come up with on our own.

My philosophy is at the end of the job, we should be able to shake hands and walk away and say, I would work with you again. Especially when you get to a market like Cleveland, where, you know, you work with people over and over again and so you’re bound to run into somebody. So that’s why I say never treat anybody badly, including the guy in the mail room. So I try to do that. I try not to be unreasonable when reviewing change orders and stuff and I keep everybody in mind, the owner contractor. So, like I said, just want to be fair with everybody.

TDA is very involved in the, I really enjoy working with the couple of designers that were on the projects at North High School, Longfellow and now I’m working on North Royalton with a different designer. There are little different nuances, but the overall concept is consistent and, they are going with this flexible learning space. And when the space is complete, especially as collaborative spaces with those seated steps in the large areas, like a stadium seating there, the schools love it. And then it’s nice to see once, you know, when school started and it was great to see the kids, not only sitting there during class time, but a lot of times, uh, the, the lunchroom collaborative students were up there eating, sitting with little groups.

It’s a very flexible space and very useful. So construction administration, it’s exciting. You actually see the building come out of the ground. That is very fulfilling. Going all the way through the project and seeing, you know, although it’s not my design work, you know, I feel very much a part of it. And you know, where there’s issues that come up on the project where something doesn’t work, we’ll work together to make it work. Ultimately when the thing’s done it’s, it’s nice to see that thing that came on paper, standing there in three dimensions in front of you.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

Ken Monsman

Ken Monsman

Ken Monsman is a registered architect working as a construction administrator for ThenDesign Architecture TDA. Ken works with contractors, architects and designers to ensure the client's vision for the building is met. He is an amusement park aficionado, with a particular love for roller coasters.

Meet the Designers: Lydia Harrison

Meet the Designers: Lydia Harrison
Lydia Harrison is an architectural associate at TDA. Starting her design career in interior design, she brings the same careful materials based approach to her architectural work.

Going into the interior design field, I knew that my ultimate goal was always to get to architecture eventually. I feel like I started with interior design because I feel like it translated more closely to the 2D art I was focusing on. It’s a lot of colors, it’s a lot of textures and so that kind of created a more seamless transition. The line between interior design and architecture is not necessarily a line it’s, it’s kind of a haze, I guess, because I feel like they’re truly one in the same, you’re just focusing on different parts of the building. And so I feel that in a lot of my projects, the inside is really influenced by the outside. Of course, we do take it to account the site plans and sun studies and things like that, but I find that the inside of the spaces where people are spending the majority of their time are what’s really influencing the shape and the construction of the building.

While engaging for projects, a lot of my work is to facilitate a conversation between TDA and the clients. We’ll work through a space planning, we’ll work through the communication between the inside and the outside of the building, so making sure color palettes work together. They tell me words like “beautiful” or “large” or “open.” I’ll take notes about that, take notes about their needs and their wants, kind of bring that back and TDA as a team, we’ll discuss what best fits that need or that want. My favorite part of the design process is the documentation phase, because I’m a very detail oriented person. So in architecture, the detailed phase of design begins at a DD or Design Development and moves into Construction Documents, where we actually start to really focus on pulling together details that create a building.

TDA does a really great job at providing clients with the team members that best fit the project. It’s not like PM’s are competing for a project as maybe you would in a typical large scale firm. The partners, focus on the project and they look at the clients, who most of the time we’ve worked with them pre-bond or we’ve worked with on previous projects and they kind of look at us then and they say, okay, you would be a really great fit for this project or for this team. It kind of helps to allow us to build these really great relationships with the clients because you’re kind of in one way or another, going to end up tied to this client, it’s going to hopefully be a relationship that continues on even after the project is completed.

So I really enjoy working in the K to 12 education market because I feel it is very “selfless” design. I feel like you’re always putting in your heart and your soul into a building that you will never be able to experience. And you will never know the impact that that building has on its inhabitants until those generations are growing up and going through life just as you are.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

Lydia Harrison

Lydia Harrison

Architectural Associate

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Lydia Harrison

Lydia Harrison

Lydia is an architectural associate with TDA who works between architectural and interior design. Before architecture, she was an concert pianist who enjoys the challenge that design problems pose.

Meet the Designers: Claire Bank, RA

Meet the Designers: Claire Bank, RA
Claire Bank is a registered architect working for ThenDesign Architecture (TDA). Having a background in education, Claire works to design next generational educational spaces. Having designed schools in northeast Ohio, she shares her experiences and how her love of educational architecture has been shaped.

My name is Claire Bank, and I am a registered architect with ThenDesign Architecture.

At TDA, it’s a very collaborative environment. I think what really adds value to the projects is the number of voices and input. With an open studio, you just hear what’s going on in different projects, and it’s very easy to pull anybody’s opinion on something that could really help to shape and influence a design in a way that you wouldn’t have necessarily thought of otherwise.

As far as sort of what we bring to a school district, who’s trying to shape the educational spaces for their future, we go through a lot of engagement with their staff and with their administration and with their students, that all let us know types of projects they’re working on types of vision that they have for their education in the future. So we’re seeing less of a desire for really traditional educational spaces with like corridor and double loaded classrooms on either side and more and more different scaled spaces for different types of groups to meet and to do education in kind of a transforming way.

So schools already are really ingrained in their community and I think have always served as a hub for their community in some form. With each school that we do, we’re seeing more community aspects woven into it. And even with the pandemic closing schools down, I think people started to realize just how much of a hub those schools are. In the future, I could see more community influence and more community use of the schools that would help to shape some of the spaces.

Watching my parents as I grew up and their involvement in education, you really could pull different lessons about how schools function and the importance of schools from each one. My dad being more of the administrative side of things. My mom on the other hand was a second grade teacher. And she is, I’d say the softer heart of the two [laughter]. And there you see more just kind of the social functions that schools can serve and the level of care that she would bring to those students. From watching both of them, I could get a really great kind of well-rounded idea of how much schools do for their communities and with that, as far as architecture’s relationship, they need, they need the right facilities.

I know that educators are always creative with whatever facilities they have, but the more we can help them to have the facilities that support what they want to do the better.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

Claire Bank

Claire Bank

Claire is a registered architect with TDA, having completed several educational projects. She is involved in ACE mentoring, a program which exposes high school students to architecture and she always trying to find ways to work education into her design career.

Virtual Staff Meetings: Reconnecting While we are Apart

Virtual Staff Meetings: Reconnecting While we are Apart
Covid-19 has posed many serious challenges to normal business operations, especially for those in the creative, collaborative fields.

A challenging aspect of 2020 has been social distancing from our co-workers, our offices, and our normal routines. Staying home means a disrupted schedule and stopping into the office isn’t a reality for many of us. If we are parents, then we automatically became full-time teachers, cafeteria workers and crisis managers, juggling learning schedules, lunch breaks, and work-related deadlines. Seriously, how many times have we had our own “quarantined co-workers” (spouses, children, and the occasional dog or cat) “helpfully” join our client meetings to provide their opinions? The lines between work and home are blurred and we have to remember to find ways for self-care and manage these new sources of stress.

It’s been tough; however, we look forward to getting back together as creative professionals. Collaboration is the hallmark of the architectural field and it would be nice to see people again. TDA has been open throughout the pandemic as an essential business, and projects continue to move forward on schedule through the use of technology including video conference meetings with clients, contractors, and co-workers. Recently, we are seeing more of our staff coming back into the office to gather work, prepare for meetings, and to just check in.

The virtual staff meetings in which we’ve been engaging have been tremendously helpful to stay connected with our team of over 50 professionals in Northeast, Ohio, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. These forums provide updates from the partners, allow us to meet new hires, and learn about what projects are on the horizon. Also, sometimes it provides us with shared good humor and the occasional webcam hijinks (–careful, the mics are hot!)

We are characterized by "Good people doing great things!" and recognize it is more important than ever to stay connected.
ThenDesign Architecture

With some staff coming in on a rotating basis, we also have around 15-20 members of our team working in the office regularly. To support a safe and productive culture, we’ve now adopted a “hybrid work model” allowing our architects, interior designers, and support staff to work remotely when possible and come into the office as needed. This allows us to remain dedicated to supporting our clients and current projects, and to remain supportive of each other. Additionally, we perform “temperature checks” using an infrared forehead thermometer when staff and visitors enter the building, and once inside, everyone wears a mask when interacting within 6 feet of contact. (Remember to smile with your eyes, otherwise, we look angry all the time!) We continue to practice thorough handwashing throughout the day, wipe down workspaces at the end of the day, and the offices are sanitized regularly. We are determined to keep these measures in place as long as they are needed, ensuring everyone is healthy and safe as we move forward as a creative team.

TDA continues to be a firm of “Good People Doing Great Things!” and we’re using our “What If” mindset to do so in the safest possible way in this health-challenged environment.

Let’s work together to make education better. Interested in speaking with us? Get in touch!

Ryan Caswell

Ryan Caswell

Ryan is a communications specialist who is passionate about using digital media to further the goals of organizations and communities in Northeast Ohio. With a background in construction and a degree in architecture, he spent over a decade in corporate video production and brings this mindset to videography, editing, photography and content marketing. He is passionate about supporting the arts, and can be found hiking in the parks system.