Educational Visioning for Brunswick City Schools New High School

Brunswick City Schools Conducted Educational Visioning for their New High School
On September 20th, students, parents, community members, faith leaders, city officials, and district staff attended an Educational Visioning Session hosted by ThenDesign Architecture at Brunswick High School. This 4-hour session focused on collaboration and brainstorming designs for the district's new high school.

Brunswick City Schools - Educational Visioning for their New High School

On September 20th, students, parents, community members, faith leaders, city officials, and district staff attended an Educational Visioning Session hosted by ThenDesign Architecture at Brunswick High School. This 4-hour session focused on collaboration and brainstorming designs for the district’s new high school. Ideas were discussed for how it can improve every student’s educational experience.

Superintendent Jason Niedermeyer commented: “Today we came together to talk about our vision for Brunswick students, what it looks like from a 21st-century learning perspective, and how we can create a flexible learning environment for our kids. This involves taking what we currently do and transforming it for the betterment of our students.”

With over 80 in attendance, everyone had a say in the design activities. The new, 301,740 sf, 9-12 high school includes an auditorium and replaces the existing school. It will provide a modern educational environment better positioned to accommodate personalized student needs and foster learning and collaboration.

A current high school senior who attended, Michael Romano, was optimistic about the plans. “Today, we’re having a community meeting with different members of our city and community to get ideas of what different groups want for this new high school that will be built. We shared our inputs and came together for the best solution for everyone.”

In small groups, teams worked to develop a vision for the high school, prioritize goals, analyze learning environments, and explore options for space planning.

“Today we came together to talk about our vision for Brunswick students ... and how we can create a flexible learning environment for our kids. This involves taking what we currently do and transforming it for the betterment of our students."
Jason Niedermeyer
Superintendent of Brunswick City Schools

Educational Visioning - Brainstorming for the New School

The session was divided into activities that presented opportunities for attendees to provide input on the project. Since it is early in the design process, architects use this broad feedback to study the similarities between groups of community members and district staff and establish common goals.

The three major activities conducted were:

  • Where Are We Now? – Learning about the project and examining case studies for different high school configurations.
  • Understanding Our Learning Environment – Group work that defined the priorities for the project, and categorized what spaces best supported their priorities through the lens of the “Journey of a Blue Devil.”
  • Putting it all Together – Based on the information developed in the session, groups laid out their solutions for the new school.

These activities are geared towards gathering input that designers will use for the early design phases.

Brunswick CSD Visioning Session

"The new building is going to be a cornerstone for our entire community."
Kim Goessler
Board of Education Member

Where are we now?

“To know where we are headed as a district, it is important to understand where we are now,” commented High School Principal Keith Merrill. He provided an overview of challenges at the current high school. “We want you to work collaboratively, think critically, and problem solve to come up with learning opportunities that overcome the challenges of our current space and come up with solutions for what students need to be successful.”

A few of the biggest challenges he referenced were:

The overall school length. The existing building is 1/4 mile long and is challenging for students to travel through, often resulting in tardiness due to distance.
The outdated heating and cooling systems do not regulate temperatures in many classrooms.
Science Labs that don’t have adequate space for equipment, outlets for technology, and life skills rooms that don’t support modern programming.
Different-sized classrooms with dark environments, no exterior windows, and columns or structural objects that obscure views in some rooms.

“We can all remember those “special spaces,” from our high school experience, and this new school will contain more “special spaces” for all our students in a few short years,” reiterated Mr. Merrill. “Today, part of this design process is figuring out what those can be.”

Educational Visioning with Brunswick City Schools:

School planning is firmly rooted in the academic and curricular goals of each school district. Spaces should reflect how the district teaches students now but allow for flexibility to adapt in the future.

ThenDesign Architecture Project Manager Scott Alleman commented, “We gauge where the district is with their educational goals and see how the building layout can accommodate those. It is very important for us.”

Scott highlighted two recent case studies for how a more “Traditional Learning Environment” and “Student-Centered Learning Environment” building layouts work and how they can be potentially blended for the Brunswick City School District.

Future activities sometimes highlight priorities from the community. “During the last activity, we see how people lay out adjacencies, and those are things we sometimes haven’t even thought about yet and wouldn’t unless we heard it from them.”

Case Study Schools - Fremont Ross 9-12 High School and Cuyahoga Falls 6-12 School

"I’m excited because I’m going to go to the new school. My friends should be excited because they’re going to go to the school one day, and they’re going to think it’s super awesome."
Brunswick Middle School 6th Grade Student

Understanding Our Learning Environment

Superintendent Niedermeyer added perspective to the decisions the group was making. “Think about ‘What is our vision for our students,’ what does that look like from a 21st-century learning perspective and deeper learning for our students?”

Designing a school shouldn’t just accommodate current activities but how education can change in the future. He continues, “How can we create flexible learning environments for our kids as we move forward? How can we take what we currently do and transform that for future generations of students?

Using both digital and written materials, community members were able to prioritize their wishes for components of the new high school.

The top three priorities for this group included:

  1. Student-Centered Learning Environments
  2. Technology
  3. Collaborative Space

Each individual recorded their thoughts on the major components of the building, which will be examined and incorporated as the design progresses.

Each group also worked together to decide what type of learning environment best supported the goals of the School District as defined in the “Journey of a Blue Devil”.

Group preferences on priorities for the new high school

Putting it all Together

The final activity tasked groups with laying out their preferred site plan for the new school. Incorporating the necessary square footage for different interior academic and support spaces, as well as parking and athletics, the groups grappled with site entry, access, and traffic flow of the building. They then reported their decisions to the whole group, answered questions, and provided insight into the major discussion points.

Common themes developed across the groups included:

  • Music spaces and the Performing Arts Center were grouped together
  • 6 groups used departmental organization. 4 groups used grade-level organization
  • Groups often paired Math and Science together, with Language Arts and Social Studies paired together
  • Inclusion of parking by baseball fields, away from Center Road.
  • The gymnasium, music spaces, and auditorium were often paired together or adjacent to each other
    • These were often on the north side of the plan toward outdoor athletics.
  • The media center was often placed adjacent to academic core spaces
  • Classrooms and academic programs were usually on the south side of the plan, towards Center Road.
  • The administration spaces were usually centralized in the plan instead of spread throughout the building.
  • Baseball fields were often grouped together in a clover pattern.

Group developed site plans (Tables 1-10)

"You [community members and staff] are essential members of this process, helping us to design what will be the future home of our kids and our community."
Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School Principal

Next Steps

With Educational Visioning complete, the design team is compiling a summary of the day’s activities and outcome report to be viewed by the community. The outcomes of these activities help inform the new school’s design.

In four hours, over 80 members of the Brunswick community came together to brainstorm and express their ideas for the new school. Capturing a variety of perspectives from attendees allows designers to incorporate changes that can benefit students for years to come.

Board of Education Member Kim Goessler was encouraged by what the new high school could mean for the district. “I think this will be a great opportunity for our students to have access to 21st-century learning capabilities…and provide an opportunity to use new technologies and collaborate together. The new building is going to be a cornerstone for our entire community.”

This fall, architects are working through the schematic design phase. During this phase, initial plans are developed, which will be used for initial cost estimation. Currently, the design team is engaging with district staff to better understand their individual needs for inclusion in the new plans.

View the report below from the Educational Visioning Session to see the group’s findings that day.

Wickliffe PK-12 Campus Ribbon Cutting

Wickliffe PK-12 Campus Ribbon Cutting
Over 700 attendees came to Wickliffe, Ohio, to celebrate the new PK-12 Campus grand opening, open house, and ribbon cutting ceremony. After the formal event, parents, students, and community members were invited to tour the school to witness the next generation of educational design.

Wickliffe PK-12 Campus Ribbon Cutting

On August 26, 2023, community members, distinguished guests, educators, and students gathered in Wickliffe, Ohio, to celebrate the grand opening of the Wickliffe PreK-12 Campus. Nearly seven hundred attendees were in the Student Commons for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

This two-story, 204,000 SF building incorporates spaces to greatly expand opportunities for the curriculum, provide students with better collaborative spaces, flexible classrooms, and athletic areas, and include a new performing arts center that seats 500. The $60 million project replaces the aging elementary, middle, and high schools with a single PreK-12 school. In addition, the new facility allows expansion of the Family Resource Center, a community center that offers free services to many who are in need.


Watch the Wickliffe PK-12 Campus Ribbon Cutting Highlights

"This is not the work simply of the school staff or administration, but the work of an entire community. This is your work."
Joseph Spiccia
Superintendent of Wickliffe City Schools

Welcome Community Members and Distinguished Guests

Photos Courtesy of Hammond Construction

"We are excited to see the extraordinary educational opportunities that will be afforded to our students now and into the future."
Carl Marine
President of the Board of Education

Two Surprise Awards Announced

As an unexpected treat, Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Executive Committee Member Sally Green revealed that two momentous achievements were being presented. Joseph Spiccia was selected as the 2023 Northeast Region Superintendent of the Year.

Then, they designated Don Marn, a school board member, as the “2023 All-Ohioan.” This designation is the most prestigious award possible and made possible due to his 30-year service on the Wickliffe City Schools board of education.

An Event to Remember

"The administrative team wants to express our appreciation to the community for your continuous support and dedication to our students."
Lori Rodman
Head of Schools

The Wickliffe PK-12 Campus was designed by ThenDesign Architecture (TDA), the project being led by Claire Bank, RA. Hammond Construction was the Construction Manager at Risk.

After the ribbon cutting ceremony, parents and students toured the facility to get a hands-on preview of the modernized spaces intentionally created to enhance student learning by optimizing efficiency and comfort for students and teachers. The Wickliffe PK-12 Campus is a shining example of the next generation of educational design.

"Today is particularly exciting because they used to be in three separate buildings. It's a rare opportunity to rebuild an entire district and place them under one roof."
Claire Bank, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

Making A Dream Reality

Construction of the project officially began on May 6, 2021, with a Groundbreaking Ceremony.

Active participation from community members and stakeholders was vital to the design process. One of the more unique events was the Playground Engagement, where students gave valuable input on the layout of their own playgrounds.

Fairport Harbor EVSD Campus Walkthrough

Fairport Harbor EVSD Campus Walkthrough
As part of the architectural design process, an animated walkthrough for Fairport Harbor's new school interior was presented to two high school juniors, Charlie and Hannah. They were the first in the district to see the design renderings and provided their impressions.

Fairport Harbor EVSD Campus Walkthrough

As part of the architectural design process, an animated walkthrough for Fairport Harbor’s new school interior was presented at the August School Board Meeting. The virtual walkthrough included commentary from two high school juniors, Charlie and Hannah.

The new Fairport Harbor Exempted School District’s PreK-12 Campus 116,000 SF building replaces the existing Harding High School, McKinley Elementary and attached Fairport Harbor Public Library. This new modern educational and library environment will be enjoyed by the community and future generations of Fairport Harbor students.

Fairport Harbor EVSD Campus Walkthrough Video Animation

"This new facility will give this community a sense of pride for the next century, just like the previous school gave the community a sense of pride for the last century. It will provide all students with the opportunity to thrive in a 21st century learning environment, be proud of their accomplishments, and their future."
William Billington
Superintendent of Fairport Harbor EVSD

A Virtual Tour

The students were the first in the district to see the design renderings and were recorded by ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) staff to provide their impressions and creative ideas on how to use the modernized spaces. Both were excited for future students who will occupy the new campus.

The video highlighted areas that included the main entrance, the public library and media center, the two gymnasiums, various ELA classrooms, a courtyard, and the two-level student dining and performance space.

Student Recording In Session

Creative Ideas For Future Students

Charlie hoped future students would utilize the expanded public library and media center to host more local community events. Upon seeing the courtyard, Hannah thought it would be an ideal location for dances or provide opportunities for a school garden club.

The presentation to the school board on August 22 was the public unveiling of the renderings. These concepts will continue to be developed as design phases continue. The PreK-12 Campus opens for the 2025-2026 school year.

Fairport Harbor EVSD High School Juniors Charlie and Hannah

Fairport Harbor EVSD Students

Fairport Harbor EVSD Celebrates the Groundbreaking for Their New School

Willoughby South High School At Union Village: 4 Entities Under 1 Roof

Willoughby South High School at Union Village: 4 Entities Under 1 Roof
South High School in Willoughby, Ohio, also known as Union Village, incorporates four separate entities into a single building. Jeff Henderson of ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) explains the challenges of creating a structure to host different organizations under one roof, sharing common spaces, yet having each retain their identity.

Willoughby South High School at Union Village: 4 Entities Under 1 Roof

Union Village in Willoughby, Ohio, incorporates four entities into a single building. This includes Willoughby South High School, Willoughby Middle School, the Lake County West End YMCA, and the David E. Anderson Senior Center, which are all now operating under the same unified structure since the $39,000,000 addition and renovation project was completed in September 2019. 

The updated 198,100 SF facility serves 1,700 students (1,200 in grades 9-12 and 500 in grades 6-8), local senior citizens, the community, and YMCA members. Merging these entities into a shared structure maximized the efficient use of space and budget due to three different organizations sharing amenities, a field house that includes gymnasium space, an elevated track, and pool facilities.

Willoughby South High School at Union Village

“This was one of the more complicated projects I have ever worked on. But it was fun.”
Jeff Henderson, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

A Vision of Physical Collaboration

ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) Project Manager Jeff Henderson explained the challenges of planning and constructing such a complex project. 

“The Willoughby-Eastlake City School District knew they wanted to update the middle school and high school, while at the same time, the YMCA and Senior Center were making the same types of plans. Since the high school had been next to the YMCA for about 40 years, [Former] Superintendent Steve Thompson had the idea to approach the YMCA to see if they were interested in collaborating on a new building. He suggested they should work together and share the same spaces rather than duplicate facilities.” 

The concept of collaboration with physical space built momentum with the David E. Anderson Senior Center joining the partnership. Jeff recalled, “Once they all agreed to work together, they came to us and said, ‘This is what we want to do.’ And we thought, ‘Okay, how are we going to do this?’ It was a great idea, but it certainly would have its challenges.”

“The process demanded honest and ongoing communications with the ability to compromise to reach the best solutions.”
Robert Fiala, AIA, NCARB, APA
Mayor of Willoughby

Identifying Mutual Challenges

Three separate collaborators having different sources of funding needed to be timed together. A bond issue funded the construction project for the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District. The YMCA relied on membership fees and donations. The Senior Center was funded through membership fees and the city of Willoughby. 

After the three parties came together and agreed on which areas of the interconnected building they would operate, their needs were relayed to the architecture team. 

“Each wanted their own parking lot, entry, and face of the building so that visitors could clearly identify where they were going. That’s very reasonable,” Jeff said, “but the interesting challenge was having three organizations with separate identities in the same complex and still having a sense of unity. It was a creative problem we were excited to solve. 

“On top of that, some had strict design standards we had to adhere to. The YMCA is a national brand and had to feel like all the others. Willoughby South High School had a sister campus on the north side, and they needed to feel related. Balancing those stipulations to make everyone happy took a lot of time and many discussions.”

Union Village Building Layout Renderings

“The biggest lesson: You can’t have too many meetings with your client.”
Jeff Henderson, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

Sharing the Field House

The biggest functional space of Union Village is the Field House, located in the center of the structure. This shared space connects the high school, the YMCA, and the Senior Center. It contains four full basketball courts and an elevated track. 

Sharing a common area required that each party had direct access to the facilities, which meant they were physically connected to the Field House. “Some problems cannot be solved strictly by architecture,” Jeff pointed out. “Each participant had to take on some responsibility for administration because you can only do so much with design. You didn’t want a high school student accidentally wandering into the Senior Center. The seniors needed to reach the pool but not the other areas of the YMCA. So, there were a lot of conversations about security and safety. It was up to the three different parties to manage that.” 

Union Village Field House, YMCA, and Senior Center

A Renovation, Not a Re-creation

“The high school was a renovation, not an entirely new build,” Jeff commented. “We incorporated some additions to the structure based on the needs of the district but also to give us the room to fully incorporate the principles of student-centered learning into the existing space. The forward-thinking design included collaborative areas and open classrooms, which could be done without tearing all the buildings down and starting over.”

Developed in parallel with its sister school Willoughby North, South High School at Union Village is a 21st-century learning facility that exemplifies the district’s goals of modernizing its curriculum and provides flexible spaces to support student-centered learning.

The two high schools were designed in tandem, with both teams meeting regularly as designs progressed. The Willoughby-Eastlake School District planned to spread the athletic and arts spaces across their high schools. South High School received expanded athletic facilities, while North High School enjoyed a large performing arts and music space. Students can choose which high school they want to attend based on personal interests.

“Due to where the football field was and where the Field House needed to be, we found that the best place to put the new high school was at the back of the old one,” Jeff continued, “but then we have the front door at the back of a building. We had to figure out a way to signal, ‘Hey, I’m back here.’ The answer was found with curves.

“Educational design is no longer about a series of industrial rectangles. The school has curved hallways, curved walls, and other curved spaces. This smooth flow encourages motion. So, for the exterior, we generated geometries that would lead people by peeking around curves that would guide them to the high school entrance. They needed to know, ‘I’m in the right place,’ and we accomplished that.”

Willoughby South High School at Union Village

Bricks Become the Mortar

Jeff explained the unification problem, “The YMCA felt more high-tech with metal siding. The Senior Center wanted to feel comfortable, like a home. Then, you had an education design for the high school. The way to maintain their identities, but still communicate they’re linked together was by using materials.” 

Jeff noted that a common, unifying element across the building exterior was the use of bricks. “They shared a roof, but by adding the same brick layout along the base of the Senior Center, YMCA, and high school, we created a material commonality that pulled the different spaces together. Each organization was not only physically joined, but now visually joined.”

Union Village Unified with Bricks

Benefits Beyond Being a Building

Robert Fiala, the founding partner of ThenDesign Architecture and current Mayor of Willoughby, Ohio, was heavily involved in the planning process. He reflected on the intangible benefits of such a facility, “Beyond the unusual collaboration of a public school district, a faith-based non-profit, and the city, the Union Village project offered a unique cross-generational opportunity. Adjacent to a daycare center and both schools, it became a place where seniors, students, and children could interact with each other. The kids benefit from the wisdom and experience of the seniors, and the seniors have companionship and a chance to share their lifelong stories.

“Three very different entities with different goals, different types of funding, and different aesthetic requirements coming together in the same space doesn’t happen every day. But we did it.”
Jeff Henderson, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

A New Name for a New Era

To honor the previous occupant of the space, Union High School, and acknowledge that three different organizations came together to create what is akin to being a village, the building was given the new name “Union Village.” 

The Union Village Ribbon Cutting Ceremony took place on August 10, 2019. The project was completed a month later. 

Jeff noted how rewarding it was to participate in such an undertaking. “Considering the complexities involved, I think we were successful. We achieved all the goals our clients had and that we had. It was neat to watch people using the spaces as we intended.” 

Robert noted that the measure of accomplishment is how visitors receive it. “Our joint-use project has been applauded by many,” he said. “Other cities and school districts visit the building, talk with our administrators, and see function and that the collaborations succeeded.” 

Union Village continues to provide services for thousands in the Willoughby area each year. 

“We hope it will be viewed as an example of how collaboration can save money, enhance programming, and provide a significant community benefit.”
Robert Fiala, AIA, NCARB, APA
Mayor of Willoughby
Union Village Groundbreaking Ceremony
Union Village Groundbreaking Ceremony

Wickliffe Students Design Their Own Playground

Wickliffe Students Design Their Own Playground
Who better to have a say about what a playground should look like than the children who will use it? Wickliffe Elementary students participated in a visioning session with ThenDesign Architecture and Wickliffe City Schools to share ideas about how to make “an awesome” playground.

Wickliffe Students Design Their Own Playground

As a continuation of the design of the Wickliffe City School District’s new educational facility, and their “Reimagining Education” initiative, representatives of ThenDesign Architecture, educators from Wickliffe Schools, and students met in early 2021 to engage in a session focused on the layout of the school’s new playground. Dozens of students in grades 3-6 met in the cafeteria of the existing elementary school to discuss the best games and equipment to suit their time at recess. Then, they had the opportunity to build their ideal playground out of toothpicks, crayons, and marshmallows, before submitting it to the design team.

Watch the Playground Engagement

"It’s important we create flexibility for students and teachers so we can help them be successful."
Joseph Spiccia
Superintendent of Wickliffe City Schools

Fun With A Lasting Purpose

Upgrading aging facilities by bringing them to modern educational standards is not isolated to classrooms and collaborative spaces. In some ways, the layout of a playground can have just as much impact on the well-being of children as their indoor academic environment because learning continues through play. 

When involved in public architecture, it’s a designer’s responsibility to listen to their clients, even when those clients are in the third grade. The more the architect understands the needs of the space, the better the design can reflect that. The students know what their favorite activities and equipment on the playground are, so this will inform the potential for fun lasting decades. 

“We want to know what the kids think is working well in their school district, but also what can be improved,” noted Project Manager Claire Bank of ThenDesign Architecture. “Some groups were safety focused. It was neat to see how intuitively thoughtful some of the students are. They give us a young, fresh perspective.” 

The Students Had A Fun Time Creating A Fun Space

“I think this is going to make a big impact for everyone. They’re going to have so much fun at the new playground.”

Youthful Perspectives

Engaging with third to sixth-grade students brings them into the design process. Their contagious enthusiasm fueled discussions, sparking more ideas. Multiple playgrounds required multiple designs, and the students joyfully met the challenge. 

Architects learn how important it is to express their creativity in their projects. This session became an art project of its own. Marshmallows, toothpicks, and Post-it Notes became essential design tools as students crafted their ideas into physical forms, letting their imaginations soar with possibilities. 

“The kids really enjoyed the marshmallows. The hard part was getting them to work with it without eating them first.”
Jeff Henderson, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

Educational Design With Smiles and Sweets

“I feel like it will be much more flexible for what the kids need now.”

Incorporating Student Suggestions

Architect Jeff Henderson feels these types of engagement with students are essential so that future generations can benefit from today’s educational design efforts. “It’s good to stretch minds. Having a variety of ideas makes for a better design, and their young perspectives keep the architect’s minds fresh.” 

A zipline was one of the student suggestions from the engagement that made it into the final design. At the beginning of the next school year, the students who came up with the idea will be able to enjoy playing on it in their new playground at their new school campus. 

The new Wickliffe PreK-12 School will have its Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on August 26. 

“We want to know what they want so we can give them the best play spaces we can.”
Claire Bank, RA
ThenDesign Architecture

Cuyahoga Falls 6-12 Campus Groundbreaking and Site Construction

Cuyahoga Falls 6-12 Campus Groundbreaking and Site Construction
At the groundbreaking ceremony in September 2022, the Cuyahoga Falls City School district began constructing its new 6-12 campus. The groundbreaking celebration was attended by over 1,000 people, which included staff, students, and the surrounding community.

Cuyahoga Falls Celebrates A Milestone

At the groundbreaking ceremony on September 27, 2022, the Cuyahoga Falls City School district began constructing their new 6-12 campus. This multi-year project will culminate in the completion of a campus that will be home to a 365,000 SF 6-12 school with an auditorium, black box theatre, attached stadium, and practice fields. Built on the Newberry and Bolich schools’ site, this capital project totals $113 million, with $33.6 million of that coming from the State of Ohio, via the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) and being built by Hammond Construction. This state-of-the-art facility provides students and faculty with new technology, expanded academic space, and opportunities for collaboration in a modern, secure environment. 

The groundbreaking celebration was attended by over 1,000 people of all ages, which included staff, students, neighbors, and the surrounding community. Dignitaries who attended and spoke included Mayor Don Walters from the City of Cuyahoga Falls, Representative Casey Weinstein, State Senator Kristina Roegner, and Board of Education Members, including board president Anthony Gomez and Superintendent Dr. Andrea Celico. Special activities included demonstrations from the Cuyahoga Falls High School band, an acapella choir, and the Art Sparks TNT XD dancers. Complimentary refreshments were served, and attendees could take their pictures with hard hats, get their faces painted and “turn a spade of soil” themselves. The night culminated in a formal groundbreaking that ended with fireworks. 

"This night is about who we are as a community. We believe that the students of our community deserve more than what they have had for the past 100 years at Cuyahoga Falls High School."
Anthony Gomez
Board of Education President

Cuyahoga Falls 6-12 Campus Groundbreaking Celebration (Courtesy of Hammond Construction):

"This groundbreaking event is symbolic of our city's commitment to educational excellence for every child in Cuyahoga Falls and marks the beginning of a new era in how we educate children in our community."
Dr. Andrea Celico
Superintendent of Cuyahoga Falls City School District

Completed Site Work

Since the groundbreaking eight months ago, construction teams have busily prepared the site before pouring foundations and erecting the school’s superstructure. While progress may not be evident viewing the site from the street, a tremendous amount of work has been completed. Site engineers have shaped the contours of the site, smoothing, removing, and adding soil in various places to support the building’s footprint. Additionally, a ring road and access lots have been created to aid construction. Now that the primary site plateaus where the building will sit are finished, viewers can see how the mass of the building steps down over the entire footprint. 

View a Design Animation of the new 6-12 Campus:

A Challenging Construction Environment

Scott Alleman, the architectural project manager from ThenDesign Architecture, is familiar with site challenges that could arise from a project of this scale.   

“Working with the soil is the biggest challenge at this point. The team works hard to ensure we are balancing the ‘cut and fill’ when developing site plans. This minimizes how much earth we are moving. It can get expensive when you need to move soil offsite.”

While the soil is being prepared, the team sometimes needs to stabilize and remediate weak soil to support the weight of parking lots and the buildings’ structure. This ensures that as construction progresses, there is a strong foundation. Scott continues, “You often spend a lot of money solving problems with soil, stabilizing the substructure, putting in foundations, and bringing utilities through. Unfortunately, you don’t ‘see’ the money you are investing here. You are literally burying it. It is necessary, though.”

With the site prepared, construction teams will focus on finishing retaining walls, underground electrical and plumbing channels, and structure foundations. Scott continues, “We started in the fall, which isn’t a great time, but the weather has cooperated, and the crew works well together. There are invariably little issues here and there, but we solve those as a team.”

Site Work Progress:

Looking Forward to the New Cuyahoga Falls 6-12 Campus

With the site work wrapping up, construction progress will become much more evident.

“The site work is exciting because it is such a big change,” Scott added, “but soon we are going to see the building take shape. Once the foundations go in, then the walls will start coming up, and the steel roof will go in. While we are still a little way off, progress will start progressing very quickly.”

Cuyahoga Fall City Schools looks forward to the completion of the new facility. Not only will students have greater access to modern technology but also a range of spaces that will enhance their educational experience.

The new campus is set to open during the 2025-2026 school year.  

Kirtland High School’s New Science Room Opens

Kirtland High School's New Science Room Opens
Now that the new science room has been redesigned, students can efficiently move between traditional classroom activities and lab space without having to leave the space or rearrange the furniture.

Kirtland High School's New Science Room

In early 2023, Kirtland Local Schools opened its new, renovated science room, expanding the learning space from two smaller 600 SF classrooms to a single large one in the high school. This new layout combines the classroom with a laboratory space, effectively doubling the usable environment while also updating furniture and utilities vital to this field of education, including plumbing, gas, and refrigeration.

Construction of the renovation began in July 2022 and was completed shortly after the new year. This project was made possible by the passage of the district’s 2021 capital improvement levy. Of the $4.5 million contract, $340,000 was allocated to improve the lab space.

Kirtland Local Schools partnered with ThenDesign Architecture to provide architectural and interior design services while working with school administrators to update the classroom with six modernized lab areas. Marous Brothers Construction was the construction manager at risk.

“There’s so much flexibility in this space.”
Chad VanArnhem
Superintendent of Kirtland Local Schools

A Flexible Learning Space

Science is fundamental to a student’s education. They learn a vast array of knowledge, from the intricacies of biological life to the movement of the stars in our universe.

As reported by The News-Herald, Superintendent Chad VanArnhem said, “There’s so much flexibility in this space.” This allows teaching staff to better personalize lessons for students. 

Science teacher Alexandra Ardo added, “I’m very much a personalized learning kind of teacher. A bigger open space where we can add in rotations where they can be up in the classroom part while there are students actually doing a lab.”

Newly Renovated Science Room Provides A Modernized Space

“The kids can go from the classroom setting to the lab setting seamlessly.”
Alexandra Ardo
Science Teacher

Redesigned For Comfort And Efficiency

Now that the new science room has been redesigned, students can efficiently move between traditional classroom activities and lab space without having to leave the space or rearrange the furniture. A connected work area now includes ample prep countertops, a cold storage refrigerator, and a dishwasher. The new science room provides a flexible learning space that includes updated technology for teachers to project information to each TV monitor at six adjacent lab stations.

Kirtland High School’s new science room is a comfortable environment that supports experimentation, group projects, and learning.

Fairport Harbor EVSD Celebrates Groundbreaking for Their New School

Fairport Harbor EVSD Celebrates Groundbreaking for New School
The new PreK-12 school will be located on the existing Harding High School site. It will provide a modern educational environment for future generations of Fairport Harbor students.

Fairport Harbor EVSD Celebrates Groundbreaking for Their New School

Residents, students, teachers and neighbors from Fairport Harbor gathered on May 26th to commemorate the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the school district’s new 116,000 SF PreK-12 facility. This new school, which is located on the existing Harding High School site, will provide a modern educational environment for future generations of Fairport Harbor students.

"A school is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s the people within it that truly bring it to life."
Sherry Maruschak
School Board President

A Culmination of Efforts

This event was the culmination of over ten years of effort led by the district and supported by the local community, teachers, and government officials. The aroma of barbecued hotdogs added to the celebratory atmosphere for the over 200 attendees.

A variety of speakers gave encouraging remarks to memorialize the special occasion, including Harding High School students, and students from McKinley Elementary. Distinguished guests in attendance included FHEVS Board members Karen Bidlack, Justin Levine, and Board VP William Lukshaw, representatives from C.T. Taylor Construction, Project Manager Dennis Kaplan from the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC), Lake County Treasurer Michael Zuren, Lake County Commissioners Richard Regovich, John Hamercheck, and John Plecnik, and representing ThenDesign Architecture was Adam Parris along with members of the communications team who were on site to record the event in video and take photographs. 

School Board President Sherry Maruschak commented, “A school is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s the people within it that truly bring it to life.”

Fairport Harbor EVSD Celebrates Groundbreaking

"This is what this community came together to support. To set the next hundred years in this village."
Timothy Manross
Mayor of Fairport Harbor

Benefits for the Community

The needs of the Fairport Harbor students have eventually outgrown the over 100-year-old buildings, which have stood in the village for generations. Ohio State Representative Daniel Troy noted, “You are able to improve the learning atmosphere for your students with a new modern facility … and I salute you for voting for the bond issue that made this possible.”

Timothy Manross, Mayor of Fairport Harbor, observed, “This is what this community came together to support. To set the next hundred years in this village.”

The citizens of the Fairport Harbor EVSD community funded this monumental effort by taking on 7% of the cost, with the State of Ohio covering the remaining 93%.

The Fairport Harbor EVSD  Groundbreaking was a celebration, and inspiring, as Superintendent Domenic Paolo announced that he was proud to serve as a conduit between Fairport’s first superintendent R.A. Greig and its newest superintendent Bill Billington, who will begin his position in July. “I am very excited for this opportunity, and I’m very excited to work with all of you.”

Once the project is complete, it will include a new Fairport Harbor Public Library, which will be attached to the main building and is tentatively scheduled to open for the 2025-2026 school year.

View a Building Animation of the new PreK-12 School: